Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hello World- Kaylin's Birth Story

I've been thinking about writting Kaylin's birth story since she was born... but never have sat down to do so.  Well, what better time the the present? 

Wednesday, July 14th, was my last day of work in the office, I left early to go to our appointment at our midwifes with Allen where she checked our 'progress' and told us while we were leaving, she would expect a phone call when we got home, saying I was in labor.  Well that did not happen, instead Kaylin waited until I was able to get almost a full night's rest and then wake me up. 

I woke up, Thursday, July 15th, rolled over with my BIG belly and looked to see what time it was.  3:00AM!!  I have never been this awake at 3:00AM, and also I was pretty sure I had just felt something strange in my midsection.  I laid there in bed and like clockwork, 3:10 I felt it again, and 3:20.  I had let Allen sleep during this time because I did not want to wake him incase it was just false labor.  Well it wasn't.  3:30, there it was again.  So since we had gone through the birth classes, read many books, and read tons on the internet we knew I needed to get up, change positions, try to eat something, ect. to see if the contractions would stop.  Nothing stopped them. 

Allen suggested I call Mom, so I did.  She asked details of what was going on, and I told her...  then just a few minutes in, she told me to hang up and call our midwife.  I hung up with Mom, came to check on Allen, who was now falling back asleep on the loveseat in our living room curled up with a blanket, and tell him that Mom said we should call the midwife.  He then preceeded to ask me if I wanted to call her.  I should have known I was in labor then because I said "No, I don't want to talk to her right now."  So he loveling picked up the phone and called her house. 

Her husband answered and said she had just left the house.  By this time it was just around 5:00am.  Who leaves their house at 5:00am??  Well she had just left because another client called and was in labor.  She got to her just moments before we called!  But not to fear, today there are cell phones, so Allen called our midwife on her cell, and told her what was going on.  She felt like I could really be in labor so she had another midwife, Natalie, come check on us.  Natalie arrived just before 6am.

She came in, set up her equiptment and checked me.  I was at 5cm dialated, and my contractions were about 3-4 minutes apart by this time.  I was in labor!  From this point on, everything was really an 'out of body experience.' Looking back, it felt like a complete daze.  My body had switched from everyday mode to, labor mode and I was just along for the ride.  Many people say labor is painful, and horrible.  I would not describe Kaylin's labor that way at all.  I would say her's was peaceful, relaxing, and really almost fun!  It was so relaxing, I was able to take a much needed nap on our couch during the middle of it!

Cathy, our midwife, was able to come to our house once she was done with the first birth (wow! what a long day for her!) She arrived around lunch time, she asked if she could check my progress and was suprised that we were already at 9cm.  She asked if I felt like the contractions were getting stronger or closer together and if I felt like I had gone through the 'transition'.  I was sort of confused by this, because to me I felt like things were just the same as they were at 5 this morning, and at this point, my water still had not broke! So I just went back to 'laboring'.  I was in and out of the birth pool, walking around our house, sitting on the birth ball, and moving around anyway that made me comfortable.  I spent most of my time laboring in the water, they referred to the tub as 'the midwifes epidural.'  I truly believe that!
At 3:30, they checked me again, I was at 9.5cm.  Cathy asked if I felt any urge to push.  I did not.  I did not really feel much discomfort.  I was more worried that I wasn't feeling any discomoft that worrying about any pain!  During the next contraction, she asked me to try to push to see if Kaylin could fit.  I did.  She could!  So Cathy asked if I wanted her to break my water (that still had not broken at this time) and I looked at Allen for his support too.  We decided not to, I would try it on my own.  So I did and I broke it on the next contraction.  Kaylin was almost here! 

I pushed hard for about 30 minutes.  Then, the worst part of the whole day... The Ring of Fire.  Oh my goodness. I've never felt anything that horrible in my whole life.  At this point, I thought, "NOPE! Not happening!"  "I'm Done, she's not coming out, something else is going to have to happen!"  But then I grabbed onto Allen's shoulder's for support with a grip, I have no idea where it came from, and we waited a few moments, and rested and with one or two more contractions, she was here!!!!!  Our precious bundle of joy was finally here!  She came out, and Cathy caught her, and immediately brought her to my chest. 

I can still feel the way she felt when Cathy first laid her on me.  She was perfect, so perfect, I had never seen anything so amazing.  I am still in awe of God's wonderful creation.  He truly made a woman's body perfect to give birth, nothing else was needed.  We were so blessed to give birth to Kaylin Avery in our home, in our bed.  Nothing else has ever been so sweet.  Thank you Lord!  Your creation is perfect, in everyway!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

The early bird gets the worm?  Well it is not anything you all don't already know, but Kaylin is not an early riser.  She reminded us of this last Friday when Allen and I had dentist appointments at 7:40 in the morning and we woke her at 7:15 to get ready.  She cried the entire time we changed her and put her clothes on, only to be half asleep in the car with a look on her face like 'Why on earth did you all wake me up, and where are we going?' 

When she was just a few months old she would fall asleep around 5 or 6 pm and wake up around 7,8 or 9am.  It just depended how many times we were up to eat during the night. (:  Last night she went to sleep around 9 and is still sleeping!! (It's 7:35am here)  A few moments ago, I heard her precious whimper and went in to check on her, sure enough she had 'woke' for another snack.  I can't even begin to tell you how much I love her.  She is so sweet and perfect.  I love hearing her toss and turn in the middle of the night when she gets hungry and I love hearing her sweet sounds when she is nursing.  She has the sweetest little cheeks and the softest skin.  I'm so so so happy that breastfeeding has gone as well as it has for us.  When I was younger and thinking about having kids one day, I often wondered how nursing would go, and if I would have any issues, and what I would do if I did...  I'm very thankful that we have had no big issues to speak of, and it has been 6 months of complete bliss. 

No she does not sleep through the night.... and I'm not expecting her too for quite some time.  So I wish people would quit asking!  She still wakes every 3 hours or so at night to eat.  A few nights ago, I'm pretty sure she only woke up 2x to eat!  It was quite amazing, and weird!  I say 'I'm pretty sure' because since she sleeps in bed with us, I am not fully awake when she nursing each time.  I woke up that morning thinking, is she okay?  But she was, she was just catching up on her sleep, after 3 intense days of nursing and working on her 6 month growth spurt.  (: 

I love just watching her sleep, she always looks so peaceful, with not a care in the world, here is my Sleeping Beauty, Kaylin Avery.